Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bulk SMS empower US market

Bulk SMS
Bulk SMS service has proven its power to the whole world as the service is providing more power to US market. The big brands in the country are getting more benefits because the beauty of the service. This service is not restricted by price, location or demographics. All Big brands in US like Nike, Pontiac G6, Dove, Axe, Adidas and American Express are using the service to interact with their customers.

According to one of the Mobile company, 84% of US consumers keep their mobile with them all day and, on average, 96% of text messages are read. This makes the bulk SMS service more popular now a days. Another beauty of the service is that you can easily monitor delivery and track reports to your mobile marketing campaign, bulk text messages provide one of the few measurable returns on marketing spend. In the other words, you can easily reach to your target through the service. This bulk SMS service give consumers the option of reading your message at their convenience, wherever they are.

In today's market, Enterprises have to add this mobile component service to their business for the expansion of business. US businesses can use bulk SMS increase profit margins by selling mobile products, services or content through premium-rated bulk text messages.

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