Saturday, September 19, 2009


Linux is an Unix based Operating System,in which we can change the password easily than OS X.

                                  For changing the password, Restart your computer & press the ESC key when GRUB appears. Scrolldown & highlight ‘Recovery Mode’ & then press  ‘B’ key; It will make you to enter into ‘Single User Mode’. Now you are at the prompt, & logged in as ‘root’ byDefault. Type ‘passwd’ & choose a new password. It will change the root password to whatever you enter. If you are interested in only gaining access  for a single account @ system, then type ‘passwd username’ replacing ‘username’ with the log-in name for the account you would like to alter the password. Now you got access................


Sitemap Generator is a freeware,which is used to  extract the links of any web site. It allows you to generate sitemaps in google (XML) or yahoo (TXT) format, otherwise to spider your website & collect all the internal links for you.

                                   It collects all the links to the CSV or HTML file just for your convenience. you can also create google sitemap, yahoo sitemap, HTML map, CSV and know about the failed URLs and links given on your blog.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009




OS X is the second popular Operating System in this universe.  But the password cracking is simple in this. Various methods are used for this, they are

  • Ophchrack can be used to crack the password, Which is the easiest method. There are some other methods that can be used to crack the password,as explained below:
  • If the Mac runs OS X 10.4,  Insert installation CD into the computer & restart the computer. During the start up, select UTILITIES > RESET PASSWORD. Then select the new password & use that to log-in.
  • If the Mac runs OS X 10.5, reboot the PC & press COMMAND+S. When at the prompt, type:
fsck -fy
mount -uw /
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
dscl . -passwd /Users/UserName newpassword
That’s all. Now the password is reset, U  can log-in.

Monday, September 14, 2009


  1.   Windows is the most popular operating system, and the method used to discover the login password is the easiest. The program used is called Ophcrack, and it is free.

  2.  Ophcrack is based on Slackware, and uses rainbow tables to solve passwords up to 14 characters in length. The time required to solve a password is usually 10 seconds..

  3.  Simply download the Ophcrack ISO and burn it to a CD or load it onto a USB drive via UNetbootin.

  4.  Insert the CD into a machine you would like to gain access to, then press and hold the power button until the computer shuts down. Turn the computer and enter BIOS at startup. Change the boot sequence to CD before HDD, then save and exit.

  5. The computer will restart and Ophcrack will be loaded.

  6. Write down the password it gives you, remove the disc, restart the computer, and log in as if it were you own machine.